What We Do

Estate Planning

This is one area that is often neglected in our lives and can leave our loved ones in distress in the event of our death.

Proper estate planning will ensure that you sufficiently provide for all your objectives, liabilities and the taxes created in the event of your death (Estate duty, Capital Gains, Income & Donation Taxes and Executors fees). The estate that one leaves should be solvent and most importantly, liquid. This will avoid assets being sold prematurely after your death.


Trusts continue to be the most recommended vehicle for preservation and protection of assets for the benefit of your beneficiaries and inter-generational wealth transfer. We offer comprehensive Trust services that include:
  • New Trust registrations
  • Opening of Trust Bank accounts
  • Amendments on existing Trusts
  • Independent Trusteeship
  • Ad-hoc consultations with Trustees
We guide our clients to properly manage their Trusts and comply with the Trust Property Control Act.


A Will remains an important part of Estate Planning to ensuring a smooth winding up of your estate. It gives guidance on how your assets are to be distributed after your death. It is crucial to have your Will reviewed regularly in alignment with your current circumstances and major changes in your life (marriage, divorce, children, business acquisitions). Our team will assist with the following:
  • Consultation
  • Drafting
  • Executorship
  • Storage

Administration Of Deceased Estates

As Executors, ours is to ensure that our clients’ deceased estates are administered efficiently and wounded up as quickly as possible. It is through the relationships that we build with our clients and their families over the years that become critical during this emotionally taxing process.

Our team will take care of all the administrative requirements and keep constant and transparent communication with the heirs.